Middle School La Résidence 12 to 15 years

Embracing Multiple Intelligences for Collective Synergy

At Groupe Scolaire La Résidence, we recognize and value the multiple intelligences of our students. Our Science Department, composed of teachers from various disciplines, works to harness these talents to become a collective strength. By allowing each student to express themselves and contribute with their unique skills, we create a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.

Giving Meaning to Knowledge through Scientific Practice

Our teaching, centered on project and group-based pedagogy, begins with students' practical engagement around scientific themes such as "Move, Travel" and "Collect, Sort, Valorize." Students are invited to solve problems, create together, and confront their ideas. This method actively engages them in their learning, allowing them to find deep meaning in scientific knowledge.

Towards Autonomy through the Scientific Inquiry Approach

We encourage a consistent inquiry approach in all scientific disciplines. This approach helps make learning more meaningful and effective while developing students' autonomy in their learning process.

Consistency in Sciences and Promotion of Scientific Interest

The Science Department aims to promote sciences and ignite students' interest in these fields by highlighting their coherence. We seek to show how different scientific disciplines complement and enrich each other.

Building a Sustainable and Diverse Living Together

Our goal is also to build sustainable living together by engaging students from diverse backgrounds in collective projects. These projects encourage communication, respect for differences, and diversity, laying the foundations for a harmonious and respectful community.

Concerted and Dynamic Teaching at All Levels

At Groupe Scolaire La Résidence, we have adopted a concerted teaching method in sciences, combining disciplinary and thematic sessions at each level. This approach allows students to delve deep

Specific themes by level for targeted learning

6th grade: "Collecting, sorting, recycling
5th grade: "Moving, getting around
4th grade: "Build, construct, edify".
3rd grade: "Storing, transforming and using energy".
These themes enable students to immerse themselves in complex subjects and approach them from different angles, promoting a holistic understanding.

Group work and the development of social skills

Right from the start of their middle school career, students are encouraged to work in groups. This collaborative approach exposes them to different opinions and prepares them to work effectively in teams. They learn to live together and discover the richness of collective approaches and shared projects.

Communication and Expression through Science

Throughout their school career, students develop and refine their oral and written expression skills. They are encouraged to communicate their work to a variety of audiences, enriching their communication skills and self-confidence.

Interdisciplinary integration: uniting knowledge

We encourage an interdisciplinary approach where the sciences intermingle with other fields such as the arts, humanities and languages. This fusion enriches teaching and shows how scientific and digital concepts can inform and be applied in a variety of contexts.

Ambition for Excellence in Education

Our goal is to guide every student towards academic and personal excellence. By integrating science and digital technology into a comprehensive educational framework, we prepare our students to become leaders in a rapidly changing world, armed with diverse skills and a deep understanding of their environment.

Development of Reflective and Interpretive Cognitive Activities

We integrate cognitive activities that encourage students to anticipate, plan, control, evaluate and justify, thus enhancing their involvement in digital use. This approach helps develop critical thinking and in-depth analytical skills.

Developing language skills through science
Finally, we place great emphasis on developing language skills (written and oral) through writing and research work in science. This approach enables students to hone their ability to communicate their ideas and discoveries effectively.
Join Our Community for a Collaborative Scientific Adventure

At Groupe Scolaire la Résidence, we invite families to discover our Pôle Sciences, where innovation, collaboration and diversity are the keys to our educational success. Together, we prepare our students to become critical thinkers, skilled communicators and responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.

College 2 Mars
85, Avenue 2 Mars, Casablanca
La Residence Casa Anfa
130, Bd de l'Aéropostale, Anfa Clubs, Casa Anfa Casablanca
La Residence Bouskoura
Bouskoura Green Town